About NFT Greetings

NFTGreetings.xyz is a unique and fun collection of NFT greeting cards you can send to your acquaintances, friends, and family who have MetaMask wallets. (If you're new to NFTs, we help you learn how to setup a wallet, mint an NFT greeting card, and view it on OpenSea. Click here to see FAQs on doing these things.)
NFTGreetings.xyz is an ever-evolving and expanding collection of unique, fun, thoughtful greetings of all kinds. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@NFTgreetingsXYZ) to learn about new greeting card lines (new ones coming all the time!).
The goal is to brighten peoples' days by sending them virtual greeting cards. All you need to know is your recipient's ETH wallet address and we'll mint whatever card you select right to their wallet. (You could also mint any of our cards to your own wallet and do with them as you like.)
All of our NFT greeting card collections follow the generative NFT model, which means that we create the entire set first, either using rarity tables and individual traits or sometimes via AI or some other generative process, and then we make the entire set available for minting via individual mint pages. Each virtual greeting card we offer is a limited edition and, although they are meant as virtual greeting cards, may well become collectible. As such, your recipient is free to sell or trade these at any time via any marketplace that supports Ethereum NFTs. (OpenSea is the largest, and the marketplace that we consider our official collection homes.)
About The Founders
NFTGreetings.xyz is brought to you by GenerativeNFTs.io. It is an idea that brewed for over a year and was brought to life during the 2022 bear market in the NFT space.

"But who's GenerativeNFTs?" We're a professional NFT agency specializing in generative NFT creations, web3 tech developers, and NFT strategy experts. We've helped produce more than 30 NFT projects over the past year and a half, which means we've been too busy to be very active on social media. We're working on changing that, however, because we're proud of the work we do and the clients we've had the privilege of working with. We want to share who we are and what we do with the larger NFT community.
You can learn more about us on our agency's web site: GenerativeNFTs.io. Follow us on our socials to learn about other upcoming web3 projects and innovations we're working on: